Forecasting and healing power of fake healer in kerala

April 8, 2020

Their followers belive that alopathic medicines are just experiments where as these fake[unbenon] traditionl healer can heal all kind of ailments. Similarly followers will ignore their own common sense while following their advise.Healer unfortunately and ironically died of rat fever.

The Case of a dead rat in well

Once a rat fell in the follower1's well, and its assumed that follower1 went to this healer once she was back from america to know how this happened, so healer suggested that her neighbour might have put it inside. So follower1 informs follwer2 who too uses the same well. So follwer2 blindly belives and make a big tantrum with her friendly neighbour.

Who knows, maybe healer might have took some big amount from follwer1 in name of fixng this neighbours behavious

Followers are loyal to their healer

Its said that healer have healed and helped follower1 and so follower1 have very good things to say while remebering her healer.

Follwer2 indirectley following healer and his direction to ruin her own life

Follower1 would visit healer and get his advices for all importent things. Its said that during follower2s arranged marriage enquiry phase, follower2s partner tobe admits to follower2 about some arthritis issues for which partner tobe is taking medicines. Based on this its belived that follower1 asks for advice from healer who gives greenlight to conduct this marriage and promised to heal partners disease. Even though Partner to be is physically week, partner dont belive in healers and has no knowledge of follower2s plan prior to marriage. After marriage partner disallow to fix arthritis issue using healers healing powers. Which enrages follower1, and maybe follwer2. So follower2 starts quarelling based on indirect instructions like partner is ill omen etc etc. follwer2 continued this quarelling behviour based on indirect info from follwer1. which made follower2 just focused on finding faults of partner, others around and ignoring importent things that should have focused.

Partner understands this nexus between fake healr, follower2, follower1 and how things work. But partner decide to continue to live with follower2 due to religious belief eventhough it was miserable.Pretty sure no one these days will be able to bear all these things.


There is all resons to believe that fake healers | black magician | works based on recurring revenue model where they would push followers in wrong direction,spread lies to followers which is intended to create problems for followers for which follower would again vists the healer and this cycle continues which will for sure make life of followers miserable and healers becomming rich and rich.Followers is made to believe that all his problems are due to neighbours and family members which in turn ruins their healthy relations

TLDR: Followers believe that healers can forecast, fix,heal all things where as this healer in kerala who guided follwer1 unfortunately got infected with rat fever and eventually lost his life.

Lesson learned: With great pain i would say use common sense,gut feeling instead of advice from healers/black magicians.Life of people around these follwers is agony. It ruins everything